Project reference: 101084037

Start/end: December 2022 – November 2025

Total Cost: 12 603 930.83

Call: I3-2021-INV1

Topic: I3-2021-INV1-MANU

This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERDF under grant agreement No 101084037. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


DE & REMANUFACTURING FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY INVESTMENTS IN THE COMPOSITE INDUSTRY30 European partners from Italy, Finland, Austria, Spain, Slovenia, Belgium and Portugal collaborate within the EU-funded DEREMCO project, started in December 2022. Partners are on a mission to create a systemic, cross-sectoral and demand-driven circular economy solution that will enable the cost-effective reuse of post-use composite materials and components in new high-added value products.



Fiber-reinforced plastics are the structural components of a wide range of consumer and industrial goods, but managing composite products after use in accordance with the principles of the circular economy remains a significant challenge.

The DeremCo project aims to create a systemic, cross-sectoral, demand-driven circular economy solution that will enable the cost-effective reuse of post-use composite materials and components in new high-added value products. This solution will be based on the interaction between the technical and social eco-systems at the local and interregional level and will benefit the environment, industry, consumers, and the European society.

To satisfy consumer demands, two circular pilot procedures will be used:

a) mechanical demanufacturing and hybrid reprocessing,

b) thermo-chemical demanufacturing and textile reprocessing.

The circular value-chain will be changed into a “pull” system, in line with the new DeremCo Demand-Driven vision, where the demands and specifications on the materials and components to be reused are transferred directly from the demand side in terms of the qualities and functions of the high added-value products reusing them. The major objectives will be to encourage industrial uptake within local eco-systems, to de-risk future industrial uptake through private investments, and to raise awareness for more conscientious consumer behavior to assure sustainability and continuity.

FlexProtec – First Open call winner

FlexProtec is focused on Topic 6 (Output) – Prototypes/small sample of new products manufactured using injection moulding with DeremCo materials, with a goal of developing of new generation ultralight shin guard protective shell from recycled composite material in sport protective sector. Result of the project are demand driven properties according end user requests thanks to the combination of DeremCo material properties and tailor-made shape together with a 3D printed padding. Therefore, during a project, we will develop three different designs for a shin guards (different requirements for different sports) and injection mould them using 3D printed inserts from XMOLD material.

Cilj projekta DeremCo je vzpostaviti sistemsko, medsektorsko rešitev krožnega gospodarstva, ki temelji na povpraševanju, da bo omogočila stroškovno učinkovito ponovno uporabo kompozitnih materialov in komponent po uporabi v novih izdelkih z visoko dodano vrednostjo. To temelji na medsebojni povezavi med tehnične in socialne ekosisteme na lokalni in medregionalni ravni ter prinaša koristi okolju, industriji, potrošnikom in evropski družbi.

Podjetje Additio d.o.o. v projektu sodeluje s podprojektom FlexProtec.

Na področju športne opreme je ravnovesje med zaščito, udobjem in trajnostjo ključnega pomena. Naša inovativna rešitev združuje moč recikliranih kompozitnih materialov s prilagodljivimi tridimenzionalno (3D) tiskanimi oblazinjenji na osnovi celičnih struktur, ki jih proizvaja naše sestrsko podjetje AddiFlex, za izdelavo naslednje generacije zaščitnih športnih ščitnikov za goleni. Pod projektom z imenom FlexProtec je naša vizija združitev standardnega postopka brizganja kompozitnih ščitnikov z uporabo tehnologije 3D tiskanja, kar omogoča izdelavo 3D tiskanih vložkov za brizganje ter prilagojenih mehkih oblazinjenj, ki popolnoma ustrezajo telesu športnika (v sodelovanju z AddiFlex). Ta oblazinjenja zagotavljajo izjemno udobje, prilagodljivost in absorpcijo udarcev, kar omogoča, da zaščitna oprema ostane lahka in zračna, ne da bi pri tem ogrozila varnost.

Poleg tega se projekt osredotoča na obvladovanje tehnologije 3D tiskanja za izdelavo vložkov za brizganje z uporabo XMOLD visokotemperaturne smole na industrijskih 3D tiskalnikih Nexa3D. To bi nam omogočilo izdelavo manjših serij izdelkov z možnostjo prilagoditev glede na želje končnega uporabnika. FlexProtec se osredotoča na temo 6  Deremco projekta – prototipe/manjše vzorce novih izdelkov, izdelanih z brizganjem z materiali DeremCo. Cilj projekta je razviti novo generacijo ultra lahke zaščitne lupine ščitnika za goleni iz recikliranega kompozitnega materiala za športno zaščitno opremo.

Rezultat projekta so lastnosti izdelkov, prilagojene zahtevam končnih uporabnikov, zahvaljujoč kombinaciji materialnih lastnosti DeremCo in po meri oblikovane oblike v povezavi s 3D tiskanim oblazinjenjem. Med projektom bomo razvili tri različne zasnove ščitnikov za goleni (za različne športe z različnimi zahtevami) in jih brizgali z uporabo 3D tiskanih vložkov iz materiala XMOLD.

“Ta projekt je prejel sredstva iz instrumenta Evropske unije za medregionalne naložbe v inovacije (I3) v okviru pogodbe o dodelitvi sredstev št. 101084037.”

The aim of the DeremCo project is to establish a systemic, cross-sector, demand-driven circular economy solution that will enable the cost-effective reuse of composite materials in components for use in new products with high added value. This is based on the interconnection between technical and social ecosystems at the local and interregional level and brings the use of the environment, industry, consumers and European societies.

The company Additio d.o.o. participates in the project with the sub-project FlexProtec.

In the field of sports equipment, the balance between protection, comfort and durability is crucial. Our innovative solution combines the strength of recycled composite materials with flexible three-dimensional (3D) printed padding based on cellular structures produced by our sister company AddiFlex to create the next generation of protective sports shin guards. Under the project name FlexProtec, our vision is to combine the standard injection process of composite protectors with the use of 3D printing technology, which allows the production of 3D printed injection inserts and customized soft paddings that perfectly fit the athlete’s body (in collaboration with AddiFlex). These paddings provide exceptional comfort, flexibility and shock absorption, allowing protective gear to remain light and breathable without compromising safety.

In addition, the project focuses on mastering 3D printing technology to produce injection molding inserts using XMOLD high temperature resin on Nexa3D industrial 3D printers. This would allow us to produce smaller series of products with the possibility of adjustments according to the wishes of the end user. FlexProtec focuses on Topic 6 of the Deremco Project – prototypes/small samples of new products made by injection molding with DeremCo materials. The aim of the project is to develop a new generation of ultra-light protective shin guard shell from recycled composite material for sports protective equipment.

“This project received funding from the European Union Instrument for Interregional Investment in Innovation (I3) under grant agreement No. 101084037.”